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Web Development

We’re your allies in turning visions into captivating digital realities. As a dedicated Web Development Agency, we’re here to blend technology to create online experiences that are as smooth as they are captivating.

From Static to Dynamic
Why Your Business Needs a Web App

At TechOrigins, we stand out as your trusted partner in the world of web development. From personalized websites to cutting-edge web applications, we're here to transform your vision into reality.  In the digital world, web apps change how businesses connect with customers.

At Techorigins, we create

Users get personal journeys and real-time updates.

Apps fit your unique needs, making work smoother.

Learn from customer info for smart choices.

Apps build trust and loyalty with your brand. Lift your business for efficiency, growth and more.

Our Web Development Services for Your Digital Success

Our solutions will transform your online store into a powerhouse of sales and engagement.
Cross-platform Development
Your responsive web app will look and work great on phones, tablets, and computers.
CMS and Third party Integration
Effortlessly manage content, updates, and applications through our seamless integration of CMS and third-party services such as social media, payment gateways, and analytics.
User-friendly interfaces
Our expertise lies in creating user-friendly interfaces for all your applications
App Performance
Our focus is on optimizing the speed and user experience of website applications to elevate overall engagement.
Maintenance and Help
We provide services to keep your apps running smoothly, including version upgrades and dependency management.

Our Development Process

Business Analysis & Estimation
We start with understanding your business needs and provide accurate estimates for the project scope and goals.
Ideation and Planning
We plan your project by defining milestones for each features, functionalities and project scope.
We create Wireframes & mock-ups for a clear vision, followed by intuitive UX/UI design.
Functional Development and Analysis: We develop according to predefined sprints. Our code is rigorously analyzed. Unit Testing and Review: Through thorough unit tests and peer reviews, we ensure high-quality code before merging.
Testing & Deployment
Manual Testing and Automated Testing: The app undergoes thorough testing to ensure it is free of bugs and glitches. Once the PR is merged, the app is automatically deployed to the domain using CI/CD setup through CircleCI.
Maintenance and Upgrades
Security Testing: We regularly perform security testing of the app to ensure it is secure and protected against potential vulnerabilities. Analytics and Monitoring: We use analytics tools to track user behaviours for future enhancements.

Ready to Transform Your Vision into Reality

We're here to help you start your journey towards an enhanced online presence.

Frequently asked questions

Why should I choose a web app over a traditional desktop app?

Web apps offer the advantage of accessibility from any device with an internet connection. They eliminate the need for users to download and install software, making updates and maintenance easier to manage.

How long does it take to develop a web app?

The timeline for web app development varies based on the project’s complexity, required features, and scope of work. A simple web application with basic functionality usually takes 1 to 3 months, while more intricate projects can extend from 6 to 12 months or longer. We offer detailed project estimates during our initial discussions.

How much does it cost to develop a web app?

The cost varies depending on factors like complexity, features, design, development time, and technology used. We provide customized quotes after discussing your project requirements.


What technologies do you use for web app development?

We employ a variety of technologies, including popular web frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js for front-end development. For back-end development, we use tools like Django and Node.js. Our choice of technology depends on your project’s specific requirements.

Can you redesign an existing web app?

Absolutely. We offer web app redesign services to improve user experience, update the design, and incorporate new functionalities.

Can you integrate third-party services into my web app?

Absolutely. We have experience integrating various third-party services like payment gateways, social media platforms, and analytics tools to enhance your web app’s functionality.

What are the benefits of outsourcing web app development services?

Outsourcing web app development offers several advantages, including access to specialized expertise, cost savings, faster development timelines, scalability, and the ability to focus on core business activities while leaving technical aspects to professionals.