
Techorigins logo

Crafting digital experiences

Transform your ideas into
We empower businesses with strong and stable tech solutions, laying the digital foundations for growth.

What we do best

Web Development
Looking out for customized solutions for your websites? Our team will develop and deliver a website that’ll serve your purpose.
Web Design
Our web design team has ample years of experience in the core areas of design to build a website that you need.
AI Development
Unlock the potential of AI for your business. Partner with us to create intelligent solutions.
Web3 Development
Ready to embark on the Web3 journey? Let our experts build your decentralized future!
WordPress Development
Ready to take your website to the next level? Let's bring your vision to life with expert WordPress development!
Android and IOS Development
Ready to bring your app idea to life on both Android and iOS platforms? Let's create something amazing together!

Our Finest Work

Our Process

At Techorigins we adopt an agile methodology that is tailored to provide comprehensive end-to-end development solutions for our clients. Our bespoke development approach enables us to deliver the maximum value to our clients.​

Business Analysis & Estimation
Scope and goals
Wireframes & UX/UI design
The development is done according to the sprints set during estimation. During the code commit, static code analyzers like eslint are run to identify and fix any issues with the code.
Testing & Deployment
Manual Testing and Automated Testing: The app undergoes thorough testing to ensure it is free of bugs and glitches. Once the PR is merged, the app is automatically deployed to the domain using CI/CD setup through CircleCI.
Maintenance and Upgrades
We regularly perform security testing of the app to ensure it is secure and protected against potential vulnerabilities.

Tech Stack

Client Stories

Highly recommend

"Sachin stands out with his holistic approach to tasks, taking the time to understand the bigger picture before diving into the details. This type thinking helps him to make well-informed decisions throughout his work. He focuses on quality and has a preventative attitude towards issues, ensuring things are done right the first time around. He is a good communicator, explains his thinking well, works in large chunks of time and gets the job done. Overall a well rounded engineer who can tackle complex problems and he is a genuine pleasant guy to work with as well! Thank you!"

Dieter H
Vessel DNA

Did an amazing job

"Was a true joy to work with on this project. He did an amazing job. Would absolutely work with again. Highly recommend. A++++"

Tracey R
CEO - Kandy AI


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Enhancing Website Security

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OpenAI DevDay

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Frequently asked questions

How Long Does It Take to Develop a Custom SaaS Solution?

The development timeline for a custom SaaS solution typically ranges from 1 month to 6 months, depending on complexity and specific requirements.

What's the Timeline for Developing AI Tools?

AI tool development timelines vary based on complexity. Simple tools like chatbots can be deployed within a few months, while more complex AI projects may take 3 to 9 months or more.

What's Included in Maintenance and Support Services?

Our maintenance and support services are tailored to your needs and can extend indefinitely. They encompass immediate issue resolution, regular updates, and on-call support to ensure the smooth operation of your software solutions.


How to get in touch with us?

For further inquiries or to schedule a consultation with us, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’re here to assist you in finding the right solutions for your business needs. You can schedule a convenient 30-minute meeting with us through this link: Schedule a Meeting. We look forward to discussing your requirements and helping you achieve your tech goals.

Let’s Build Your Product Together

Get a free discovery session and consulting to start your project today.